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创意说 发表于 2015-5-1 11:51:47 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
This was a little bit of my daily ideas, a single posted here, hoping to attract more attention, to explore.
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Rules of the jungle, the temple will uphold jungle system originally refers to Zen Sangha system, Ming and Qing, refers to all Chinese Buddhism monastery system.
The world is moving forward, and sometimes it can be retro, with the high-tech reform, some of the past system can be renewed.
Ideas about the future of the jungle system hopes to give people a new way of thinking, the way out for China may not necessarily be wholesale westernization, the old road to the west, perhaps the ancients left us a legacy, is most suitable for our own.
1 中国人退休前和退休后分别在一个现代社会和一个后现代的复古社会。
1 Chinese people before retirement and after retirement respectively in a modern society and a post-modern retro society.
2 退休后,采取禅宗的禁欲,进入清淡原始的田园生活,符合老年人的生理和心理。
2 after retirement, take the Zen of the abstinence, into the light of the original pastoral life, in accord with the old people's physical and psychological.
3 日出而作,日入而息,轻体力劳动和素食主义,有利于老年人的健康长寿。以至于顺治皇帝和历史上很多权贵都被吸引。
3 sunrise, sunset, light physical labor and vegetarianism, help the elderly health and longevity. That emperor in history and many dignitaries are attracted.
4 老年人通过网络在田园生活中与世界沟通。虽然他们的肉体回归自然,但思想依然与社会密切联系,他们的经验能指导社会,促进精神文明的发展。
4 the old people through the network in the pastoral life and the world communication. Although their physical return to nature, but the idea is still closely linked with the community, their experience can guide the community, and promote the development of spiritual civilization.
5 退休后按自愿原则,进入禅宗的清教徒生活,大大减少了社会资源的消费。
5 after retirement according to voluntary principle, into the Zen of the pilgrim life, greatly reducing the consumption of social resources.
6 比养老院更多的幸福感和归宿感,宗教带来灵魂和思想的安乐。
6 more happiness and a destination than the nursing home, religion brings the soul and thought of the happiness.
7 ancient Zen jungle is not only the system of charity and religion, how many men of literature and writing in and out of it. The future jungle system, can be the headquarters of the ideological and cultural, is the home of the Chinese spirit of home and faith.
8 可以解决目前社会大多数的难题。比社保,养老制更人性,更科学,具备文化内涵。
8 can solve the current social problems. More humane than social security, pension system, more scientific, with cultural connotations.
对比 新加坡垂直生态农场养老 http://news.zhulong.com/read/detail197461.html
Contrast Singapore vertical ecological farm pension http://news.zhulong.com/read/detail197461.html

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