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说农田: 定制化的能随意弯曲的管道灌溉系统

vewin 发表于 2015-5-23 01:54:17 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

创意名称: 定制化的能随意弯曲的管道灌溉系统

Creative Name: customized can bend the pipeline irrigation system at will
Creativity: a customized storage tank, a certain size and hardness but can rely on the human water tube bent (with shower function).
Principle: storage tank used to collect loading natural rainwater, size can with customer demand customized, storage tank with electronic control system can be set every long spraying a; water tube is made of special alloy than tap water pipe is much lighter but high toughness and how to flex are not broken, water pipe at intervals of a certain distance is provided with a spraying mouth (similar to shower effect), in this way, a field or a piece of land can with the irrigation system. It can save water, precision irrigation, and can automatic timing irrigation without artificial participation.
Source of inspiration: the flexibility and saving of irrigation from the agricultural irrigation system.
Added more features of the design of storage tank should be increased, such as thermometer, alarm system, humidity measurement, determination of wind, solar energy converter, the soil pH test and so on, go composite function route to increase the selling points

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