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说赚钱:/business idea:短线大众导游app

vewin 发表于 2015-8-12 12:16:06 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Creative Name: Short term mass tour guide

Creative composition: app, mobile phone, people

Users with the help of the app: to help people get to the point where you are. Help: in the app on the spot. Help people who want to see a number of people in the vicinity, you can see a number of people in the vicinity, where they need to go. If you go to the help button. If you click on the help button, you can get some information. Find a group to complete the entire mutual assistance activities.

Economic efficiency: the design of a reward system to help successfully help get points, points can be awarded prizes. (of course, also want to join to prevent malicious brush detection mechanism). Callers are generally outsiders just to a new city or are not familiar with the place. Some people doing business is very suitable for this model, side to help lead the way, while extended their service (or product). If the caller "willful", of course, can also be playing awarded help certain reward.Of course, app can also become a social tool for tourism, app can add friends.

Source of inspiration: a thorough solution to the last mile problem!!!!The "tour guide" this occupation of the public!

Note: design and improve the relevant rules for the master replies or perfect.

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