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说跨界:/Cross idea:创新发明软件

vewin 发表于 2015-7-11 10:39:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 vewin 于 2015-7-11 10:51 编辑


Creative Name: innovative software

Creative composition: multi platform software (window, Android, apple, Linux, etc.)

技术原理:开发一个用于创新发明的软件。功能如下:1.词汇组合功能——可以自定义从字典库(中文词语库)里面随机抽取2-20个名词和动词,然后按照数学组合公式把这些词语按照2个一组或3、4、5或 更多的方式组合在一起,这么避开人的思维逻辑和各种条条框框的约束,就能创造出各种天马行空的“新产品”。举个例子我们选不超过5个词语的随机组合,软件运行结果如下:桌子吃饭、打篮球灯泡跳、电脑爬山约会咖啡、盲人奔跑电子风扇、...........(后面还有几百个几千个这类组合词)。2.个人日记:把自己的想法、点子、创意按类别记录出来,慢慢完善,或者邀请你的几个好友一起来讨论这个创意,相当于一个创新工作平台;3.资料库:相当于一个知识管理系统,资料库默认分类了一些类别,并提供了一定数量的创新知识和案例,你也可以自己新建一个类别,把通过软件搜索到的文章,图片记录到这个类别里面。4.搜索功能:(1)站内搜索:能搜索软件内部的功能标题或文字标题,内容;(2)站外搜索:能对接搜索引擎,把搜索引擎的内容显示到软件里面(浏览器功能);5.项目发起:你可以把你的创意当作一个项目发起众筹或找投资。6.........待定。
Technology principle: the development of a software for the creation of innovative software. Functions are as follows: 1. Combination of words, can be custom from the dictionary (Chinese word library) which were randomly selected from 2-20 nouns and verbs, and then in accordance with the mathematical formula of combination to these words according to two a group or 3, 4, 5 or more combination together, so avoid thinking logic and various rules constraint, we can create a powerful and unconstrained "new product". Jump and lighting for example we chose not to exceed the random combinations of five words, the software runs the following results: table to eat, play basketball, computer climbing coffee date, blind run electronic fan,..... (behind and hundreds of thousands of the combination of words). 2. Personal diary: the your thoughts, ideas, creative by category record out, gradually improve, or invite you several good friends to come to discuss the creative, equivalent to a innovative work platform; 3. Database: the equivalent of a knowledge management system database default sorted out a number of categories, and provides a certain amount of knowledge innovation and the case. You can also his new a category, bringing through the software to search the article and picture recording to this category. 4. The search function: (1) in the station search: search software feature of the title or caption text content; (2) search: to docking search engine, search engine content according to software (browser function); 5 project initiated: you can put your creative as a project launched to raise the public or for investment. 6... To be determined.

Economic benefits: convenient and innovative.

Source of inspiration: integration of innovative work flow.

Baidu has a look, did not like this kind of software, it seems that we are all two meals do not have the idea to think about this important but not urgent matter. We are creative and say that there are conditions that must be done in the future.

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