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说跨界:物质涡轮论material turbine

admin 发表于 2015-5-25 08:11:22 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Creative Name: material turbine
Creativity: vortex + material + universe concept
Technical principle: the big bang theory, mechanics law and frontier physics
灵感来源: 创客群的讨论,两道数学题——50元花去和剩下的对比;1加一百次=?
Source of inspiration: a discussion of the group of visitors, the two math questions - 50 yuan to spend and the rest of the contrast; 1 plus one hundred times?
补充说明:前面我说的两道题,如50元 花光和剩下的,其实可以结合前面关于三体里面的宇宙观理解。花钱的速度等于频率,而剩下的钱,可以是无穷的,也就是有限的钱依靠不同频率衍生无穷的世界。1加100=101或100,那是人类自身逻辑假设,是已经有1了,在加100次,还是在0的基础上加?所以物质是否存在的基础,仅仅在于假设。
I said that the two questions, such as the 50 yuan spent and the rest, in fact, can be combined with the understanding of the universe in front of the three body inside. The speed of the money is equal to the frequency, while the rest of the money can be infinite, and it is limited money to rely on different frequency of infinite world. 1 plus 100=101 or 100, which is the logic of the human hypothesis, there are already 1, in the plus 100, or on the basis of the 0 plus? So the basis of the existence of the material is merely the assumption..

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